Why isn’t my baby sleeping? | May 30th 10am ET

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Welcome to Heather Boyd's Family Sleep Learning Hub!

You're tired, overwhelmed, and feeling completely turned around when it comes to supporting your baby's sleep.

You know you don't want to sleep train.  But you're not sure what you can DO about sleep.

If you are ready to support your baby's sleep with confidence, knowledge, and validation (without sleep training), this learning hub is here to help you do just that.

Ready to get started?

Available Products

Baby Sleep Roadmap

Need a clear roadmap on navigating your baby's sleep from morning to night (and back to morning again?).

Get access to the Baby Sleep Roadmap, a simple and clear overview of how to support your baby's sleep without sleep training.

How To Not Sleep Train (and Other Helpful Resources to Support Your Baby's Sleep)

Inside, find links and resources for past free workshops + additional helpful supports for tired parents.

Winter 2025 Confident & Connected Baby Sleep Program

Welcome! When you join the Confident & Connected Baby Sleep Program:

  • You'll have access to 7 Modules covering everything from baby sleep culture to nap and bedtime strategies, setting up the sleep environment, health issues that impact sleep, and attachment-based strategies that support sleep right up to 18 months and beyond.
  • You'll be invited to come to weekly coaching calls/ office hours to problem solve together how to gently nudge sleep and how to rethink how to support your baby's independence.
  • You'll be in a confidential ConCon community thread to share, ask, support, celebrate, and connect with other parents.
  • You'll have lifetime access to the modules and coaching calls (unless you buy a time-limited package).

What to do next:

Explore the ConCon Website for full details. 

Book a call to talk about whether this group is the right fit for you.

The Baby Sleep Mini Course

The Baby Sleep Mini-Course helps you support your baby’s sleep with age-specific evidence, perspectives, and strategies, and without sleep training for birth to 3 years of age. 

If you want to learn more before saying yes, click here.

Baby Sleep Connection Podcast Resource Hub

You've listened to The Baby Sleep Connection Podcast, and you're here to learn more!

Access my Podcast Listener Guide and additional resource right here.

Beyond Birth Niagara Prenatal Retreat March 30 2025

Join us in person at Movement Unlimited Inc. for Niagara's Premiere Prenatal Retreat, Beyond Birth.

Designed to inform, support, and connect you as you move through your pregnancy and early parenting journey, this 1-day retreat includes 4 Niagara-based health practitioners who are excited to share their knowledge, and help you feel more confident and prepared.

Our goal is for you to leave this retreat feeling more confident about your physical, mental, and emotional health in pregnancy and beyond.

The website for this event is familysleep.ca/retreat.

Enroll here (there is a $5 transaction fee) or E-transfer your registration to heather@heatherboyd.ca

    • $125 for the first 10 who sign up (Coupon Code: FIRST10)
    • Early Bird $150 until March 7th 2025 (Coupon Code: EARLYBIRD)
    • $175 after March 7th 2025

Be sure to add a comment in the e-transfer with your first and last name, and your email address.

A $30 receipt for occupational therapy is available for Heather Boyd's portion of the retreat.  You can submit this receipt to your extended health benefits.  You will sign a consent form on the day of the retreat, and given your receipt that day.

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